Monasteri e ordini religiosi


Hertlein, Siegfried

Ndanda Abbey, Part I (ebook)

Beginning and Development up to 1932

Ndanda Abbey, Part I (ebook)

The cornerstone of Catholicism in southern Tanzania was laid by the Benedictine monks of Ndanda Abbey. This first volumn of the abbey’s history explains how the Missionary Benedictines came to establish the faith in southern Tanzania. Although threatened by wars and hindered time and again by human weaknesses, the small mission stations grew into widereaching territorial abbeys and centers of a lively Church in southern Tanzania. Their early struggles to establish the first Christian communities has blossomed into three dioceses: Mtwara, Lindi, and Tunduru-Masasi.  A bbot em. Siegfried Hertlein began his missionary carrier in Tanzania in 1962. From 1976 to 2001 he was the third abbot of the Missionary Benedictine Monastery of Ndanda. Since then he has been involved in monastic formation and research into the abbey’s history.



Schäfer (ed.), CyrillSieber, Gottfried

Beständigkeit und Sendung

Festschrift Sankt Ottilien 2003

Beständigkeit und Sendung

Vor hundert Jahren wurde die mächtige Klosterkirche von St. Ottilien eingeweiht. Bereits ein Jahr zuvor, am 28. Juni 1902, waren dem Kloster die Rechte einer Abtei verliehen worden. Die vorliegende Festschrift vermittelt einen Einblick in die Ereignisse dieser Gründerjahre. Entsprechend ihrem Titel umgreift sie den doppelten Aufgabenbereich der Erzabtei St. Ottilien. Beständigkeit und Sendung – das meint zugleich die Verwurzelung der Mönche in der oberbayerischen Heimat und den weiten Horizont ihrer missionarischen Aufgaben in aller Welt. Aus der Beständigkeit in der Klostergemeinschaft und der Treue zur darin geschenkten Berufung erwächst die Sendung, am Wachstum der Kirche Christi mitzuwirken und die vom Herrn bereitete Ernte einzufahren.



Hertlein, Siegfried

Ndanda Abbey, Part I

Beginning and Development up to 1932

Ndanda Abbey, Part I

The cornerstone of Catholicism in southern Tanzania was laid by the Benedictine monks of Ndanda Abbey. This first volumn of the abbey’s history explains how the Missionary Benedictines came to establish the faith in southern Tanzania. Although threatened by wars and hindered time and again by human weaknesses, the small mission stations grew into widereaching territorial abbeys and centers of a lively Church in southern Tanzania. Their early struggles to establish the first Christian communities has blossomed into three dioceses: Mtwara, Lindi, and Tunduru-Masasi.  A bbot em. Siegfried Hertlein began his missionary carrier in Tanzania in 1962. From 1976 to 2001 he was the third abbot of the Missionary Benedictine Monastery of Ndanda. Since then he has been involved in monastic formation and research into the abbey’s history.



Renner, Frumentius

Sheltered by God in his Service. Brother Michael Hofer’s Memoirs

Brother Michael Hofer's Memoirs

Sheltered by God in his Service. Brother Michael Hofer’s Memoirs

Brother Michael Hofer (1861-1937) served God both in Germany and for nearly 30 years in today’s Tanzania, then German East Africa. The third candidate to enter the new community founded in 1884 by Father Andreas Amrhein, Br. Michael was the first brother to persevere through the founding period of the Missionary Benedictines with its austerities, poverty and dangers to life and health.  He became an intimate Friend of God, feeling ever sheltered by Divine Providence. An inspiring life story of humble service and challenging experiences.
