

Karl, Siegfried

Ratio und affectus

Zum Verhältnis von Vernunft und Affekt in den Orationes sive Meditationes und im Proslogion Anselms von Canterbury (1033/4-1109)

Ratio und affectus

Im 11./ 12. Jahrhundert gewinnt die menschliche Erfahrung und das religiöse Gefühl im Bereich des monastischen Lebens ein besonderes Gewicht und strahlt auch auf die Laienfrömmigkeit aus. Rationalisierung und Verinnerlichung sind die zwei zentralen Entwicklungslinien, die sich dann im Aufbruch des 12. Jahrhunderts herauskristallisieren. Das Verhältnis von Intellekt und Affekt ist in der Ausprägung der mittelalterlichen Meditation von besonderer Bedeutung. Entsprechend ist die Thematik dieser Arbeit, nämlich Ratio und affectus weiterlesen



Pfeifer (ed.), MichaelaNouzille (ed.), Philippe

Monasticism between Culture and Cultures

Acts of the Third International Symposium – Rome, June 8-11, 2011

Monasticism between Culture and Cultures

What does culture mean? A chain of texts as in ancient oriental monasticism with its Hellenistic background or in medieval Montecassino where monks create new traditions? Does it signify the identity of a population like that of the Aboriginals which European monks and sisters helped to promote already in the nineteenth century? Is culture nowadays not becoming a new religion which plagues many European monasteries? These are only some of the many items treated at the third international Monastic Monasticism between Culture and Cultures weiterlesen



Leyser (ed.), ConradWilliams (ed.), Hannah

Mission and Monasticism

Acts of the International Symposium at the Pontifical Athenaeum S. Anselmo, Rome, May 7-9, 2009

Mission and Monasticism

The year 2009 marked the convergence of a number of anniversaries involving the missionary activity of monastic men and women: the centenary of the death of Abbot Franz Pfanner, founder of Mariannhill (1909), the centenary of the Asian Mission of the Benedictines of St. Ottilien (1909), the centenary of the Tutzing Mission to Brazil (1909), the bicentenary of the birth of Boniface Wimmer (1809), and the millennium of the martyrdom of St Bruno of Querfurt (promoter of the “evangelium paganorum” as an Mission and Monasticism weiterlesen



Felini, Marco

La Parola della Riconciliazione

L'ascolto della parola di Dio nel rituale della penitenza di Paolo VI

La Parola della Riconciliazione

Per diverse ragioni, e da contrapposte posizioni, il Concilio Vaticano II e la riforma liturgica da esso scaturita sono di nuovo oggetto di considerazioni. La presente ricerca ripercorre un cammino: partendo dai dati più antichi della tradizione viene mostrato in che modo – lungi dall’essere un dato estrinseco e introdotto per pruriti di novità – la riscoperta della Parola di Dio come elemento fondamentale della vita liturgica possa apportare rinnovata efficacia e rilevanza ad un sacramento oggi in questione. Si potrà intravedere, La Parola della Riconciliazione weiterlesen
