Mario A. Haller, La espiritualidad litúrgica. Aportes para su comprensión desde el magisterio litúrgico del Papa Francisco 13
Maxwell E. Johnson, The Development of the pre-Christmas and pre-Paschal Fasts in Early Christian Egypt 47
Fergus M.T. Ryan, Mortem annuntiamus et resurrectionem confitemur microcosm of liturgical development (part one) 77
Norberto Valli, La vigilia di Pentecoste nel rito ambrosiano 107
Miklós I. Földváry, Liturgy and Politics in the Middle Ages 147
Bernard Sawicki, Music and Spiritual Realities. International Workshop (University of St Andrews, 19th-21st June 2023): The main Topics and Outlook: the Perspective of New Horizon of the Sacred Music 157