- Arthur Roche, „In the earthly liturgy we take part in a foretaste of that heavenly liturgy.“ (SC 8). The study of the liturgy as an ecclesial service for a renewed spirituality 245-252
- Angelo Cardita, La réforme restituée (première partie) 253-276
- Luke A. Donahue, Presentation and Discussion of a Reformation-Era, Catholic, Vernacular Baptismal Rite in Germany in Manuscript Cgm 9509 (part one) 277-303
- Stefan Kopp, Der schönste Tag im jungen Leben. Kirchliche Sinngehalte und individuelle Bedeutungszuschreibungen als Gegenstand der Liturgiewissenschaft 305-319
- Matthew S.C. Olver, The Epistle to the Hebrews in the Roman Canon Missae. Melchizedek and Other Features (part one) 321-345
- Alicia Scarcez, Catalogue des livres liturgiques de la collègiale de Mons-en-Hainaut et le culte de sainte Waudru 347-389
- Alistair C. Stewart, The Baptismal Formula: a Search For Origins 391-414