- Gregor Maria Hoff, Performative Offenbarung. Zur Fundamentaltheologischen Epistemologie der Rede von „Offenbarung“, p. 3–15
- Sibylle Trawöger, Offenbarung und epistemologische Flexibilität, p. 16–26
- Lukas Metz, Λόγος and λόγος. Thoughts on the Christian notion of a σάρκωσις του λόγου, p. 27–43
- Frank Della Torre II, Toward a Hermeneutics of Divine Revelation. Bonhoeffer’s Quarrel with Barth, p. 44–54
- Samuel Underwood, Ricoeur and the Poetry of Revelation, p. 55–67
- Charles A. Gillespie, Attention to Dramatic Revelation. Theatrical Sacraments and a Phenomenology of Spectacle, p. 68–82
- Stephanie Rumpza, Measuring up to Hermeneutics. Jean-Luc Marion and Revelation in the Incarnate Christ, p. 83–96
- Nils Richber, Ground Zero of Meaning, p. 97–109
- Thomas Sojer, Wir halten heute die endgültige Wirklichkeit in den Zeichen. Tropologische Hermeneutik bei Henri de Lubac und Simone Weil, p. 110–122
- Matthew Elia, Homo Interpretans. On Daston, Augustine, Wynter, p. 123–136
- Oliver Davies, Planetary Hermeneutics in a Time of Crisis, p. 137–150