Benito y su regla


Trianni (ed.), PaoloSawicki OSB (ed.), BernardQuartier OSB (ed.), ThomasJonveaux (ed.), Isabelle

Monasticism and Economy: Rediscovering an Approach to Work and Poverty

Acts of the Fourth International Symposium, Rome, June 7-10, 2016

Monasticism and Economy: Rediscovering an Approach to Work and Poverty

Recent decades, in the context of a global and highly developed economy, seem to come back to the monastic ethos of economy. The Rule of S. Benedict and the history of monasticism have proved to be an excellent inspiration for people in business. Many monasteries actively and creatively participate, not only in local economic projects – as important tourist and cultural centres – but also as important employers. Monastic gastronomy and, usually organic, food products have become a base for a special culture for a modern, sobre and frugal style of being and welfare. The sharing economy and collaborative consumption seem to be an amazing application of monastic style in the practices of modern Western society. In this sense monasticism is really contributing to an understanding of economy as an ecologically friendly form of human brotherhood.



Trianni (ed.), PaoloSawicki OSB (ed.), BernardQuartier OSB (ed.), ThomasJonveaux (ed.), Isabelle

Monasticism and Economy: Rediscovering an Approach to Work and Poverty

Acts of the Fourth International Symposium, Rome, June 7-10, 2016

Monasticism and Economy: Rediscovering an Approach to Work and Poverty

Recent decades, in the context of a global and highly developed economy, seem to come back to the monastic ethos of economy. The Rule of S. Benedict and the history of monasticism have proved to be an excellent inspiration for people in business. Many monasteries actively and creatively participate, not only in local economic projects – as important tourist and cultural centres – but also as important employers. Monastic gastronomy and, usually organic, food products have become a base for a special culture for a modern, sobre and frugal style of being and welfare. The sharing economy and collaborative consumption seem to be an amazing application of monastic style in the practices of modern Western society. In this sense monasticism is really contributing to an understanding of economy as an ecologically friendly form of human brotherhood.

Puzicha OSB (ed.), MichaelaHausmann OSB (ed.), Theodor

Benedikt für jeden Tag

Ein Jahreskommentar zur Benediktusregel

Benedikt für jeden Tag

„Diese Regel soll nach unserem Willen in der Gemeinschaft oft vorgelesen werden“ (RB 66,8). Entsprechend dieser Weisung der Benediktusregel wird in den Klöstern der benediktinischen Familien seit Jahrhunderten die Regel jährlich mehrmals verlesen und ihre Worte haben die monastische Tradition tief geprägt. Da der Regeltext einer vergangenen Epoche angehört, der Spätantike des 6. Jahrhunderts, sind viele Weisungen für heutige Leser auslegungsbedürftig. Das hier vorgelegte Jahreslesebuch verteilt die Regelabschnitte entsprechend der klösterlichen Leseordnung auf ein Jahr und kombiniert sie mit gut verständlichen Hinführungen. So kann der Leser die Fülle der darin enthaltenen Aussagen mit ihren Verweisen auf die biblische, monastische und patristische Tradition schrittweise für sich erschließen und die Weisheit der Regel neu entdecken.



Driever, Willibrord

Der geistliche Begleiter nach der Regula Benedicti

Historische, textanalytische und pastorale Perspektiven

Der geistliche Begleiter nach der Regula Benedicti

Die Benediktusregel enthält Elemente geistlicher Begleitung, die auch außerhalb des klösterlichen Lebens von Bedeutung sein können. Die hier vorliegende Untersuchung möchte daher ein Profil geistlicher Begleitung entwerfen, die sich auch auf Christen außerhalb von Ordensgemeinschaften bezieht, welche ihre Christusnachfolge in der Spiritualität des hl. Benedikt verwirklichen möchten. Dabei werden einerseits die heutige Glaubenswirklichkeit und die von ihr geprägten Menschen ernst genommen, andererseits wird die Benediktusregel in ihrem normativen Charakter für die persönliche Lebensgestaltung und als Impuls für pastorales Handeln gewürdigt.



Böckmann, Aquinata

Servire Cristo (ebook)

In ascolto della regola di San Benedetto

Servire Cristo (ebook)

Questo volume contiene numerosi saggi sulla Regola di Benedetto, elaborati da sr. Aquinata nel corso della sua vivace e appassionata docenza accademica nel Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo di Roma. Si tratta del primo volume in lingua italiana, che viene a coprire una lacuna della sua ricca produzione in diverse lingue. In esso sono presenti non solo saggi già editi nella lingua della sua patria di adozione, ma anche articoli tradotti per la prima volta. Come scrive l’autrice nell’Introduzione: «in questo libro, che contiene parecchi articoli in traduzione italiana redatti in un lungo arco di tempo, si tratta dell’ascolto intensivo della Regola e nella Regola si sente parlare un autore: San Benedetto. Ma non si tratta qui solo di questo autore, pur importante e che può ispirarci anche oggi. A San Benedetto sta a cuore Cristo e nel suo cuore incontriamo Cristo. Perciò è giusto che questa raccolta porti come titolo principale: Servire Cristo». Dopo i saggi introduttivi – su Benedetto, la sua Regola e un’esemplificazione ermeneutica – il volume propone l’attenta esegesi di alcuni capitoli (il Prologo, RB 36, RB 38-42, RB 58, RB 64, RB 72) e alcuni percorsi trasversali su temi di spiritualità monastica (la comunione con Cristo, la ricerca e l’esperienza di Dio, la preghiera personale e la mistica benedettina, lo zelo buono). Lo sguardo a Maria, che in modo esemplare ha fatto di Cristo il centro della sua vita, chiude la serie dei saggi. Accanto agli scritti di sr. Aquinata, il volume raccoglie testimonianze di amici e colleghi: Mariella Carpinello, Terrence Kardong, Pius Ramon Tragan, Kurt Belsole e le monache di Poffabro. Siamo certi di offrire un sussidio serio e aggiornato per lo studio della Regula Benedicti, fonte principale del monachesimo occidentale, dei suoi aspetti teologici e della sua spiritualità.



López-Tello García (ed.), EduardoZorzi, Selene M. Benedetta

Church, Society and Monasticism (ebook)

Acts of the International Symposium, Rome, May 31 – June 3, 2006

Church, Society and Monasticism (ebook)

The present volume contains most of the papers given at the second international symposium which took place from 31st May to 3rd June 2006 in Rome at the Pontifical Athenaeum of Sant’Anselmo. The phenomenon of monasticism is not an alternative to the Church, nor even to society, but it does present its own autonomy, the fruit of the ecclesial vocation of the monk, as well as its contemporary presence in the world. What began life as a marginal movement and a prophetic and critical voice against a certain model of the Church which had become completely identified with the power-structures of its time, was almost immediately ratified by the Church herself as part of her existence in the world. An attempt has been made to understand the ‘today’ of the monastic vocation, and to be able to pinpoint its ‘tomorrow’ by reconsidering the nature of the relationship between the Church, the world, and monasticism in different periods throughout history. The vastness and extreme diversification of the monastic phenomenon has been divided into three major thematically-consistent sections: Western Monasticism; Eastern Monasticism; and Studies on the Rule of St Benedict.



Puzicha, Michaela

„… die gemeinsame Regel des Klosters“ (RB 7,55)

Aufsätze und Vorträge zur Benediktusregel II

„… die gemeinsame Regel des Klosters“ (RB 7,55)

Die Benediktusregel steht in einem lebendigen Zusammenhang der Übernahme aus den Traditionen des altkirchlichen Mönchtums und der Weitergabe durch eine reiche Rezeptionsgeschichte. Ihre besondere Bedeutung liegt in der klaren Ausrichtung auf das Gemeinschaftsleben, was Benedikt mit starken Themen und Impulsen vermittelt. Dabei sind der Umgang miteinander, die Gestaltung der Gemeinschaft und der Blick auf die neutestamentliche Basis wesentliche Anliegen Benedikts. Die Erläuterungen dieses Bandes möchten die spirituellen und monastischen Leitgedanken der Benediktusregel aufnehmen und darlegen, wie sie von Benedikt aus der Tradition rezipiert wurden und wie folgende Jahrhunderte bis hin zur Gegenwart sich dieses Erbe angeeignet haben.
