Kurt Gakuro Krammer is a PhD student of Religious Studies at the University of Salzburg. He is a Buddhist practitioner, teacher, minister and theologian. He has been engaged in Interreligious Dialogue for over 30 years. He has been a member on the board of ENBCS since 2009. Currently he heads the ‘Institute for the Study of Buddhism and Dialogue of Religions’ in Salzburg, Austria, offering lectures and meditation classes. He has been a member of European Buddhist Union since 1993, served as its vice-president for a term and is currently an active member of the network ‘Buddhist Teachers in Europe’. Among his recent publications are ‘May Dialogue Change Our Understanding of the Human Being?’ (in: Elizabeth J. Harris & Perry Schmidt-Leukel (eds.), A Visionary Approach: Lynn A. de Silva and the Prospects for Buddhist-Christian Encounter, EOS 2021: 299-313) and Die Verkirchlichung des Buddhismus in Österreich: Die Transformation einer Spirituellen Bewegung zu einer Körperschaft öffentlichen Rechts und ihre Prägenden Akteure. Masterarbeit, Paris-Lodron Universität Salzburg 2021). He has edited, with Martin Rötting, and contributed to Buddhismus in Europa: Facetten Zwischen Mode, Minderheit und Mindfulness in Interreligiösen Bezügen (Lit 2022). |