Chronik der Abtei Metten 766–2016
Wasser des Lebens
Einführung in die Spiritualität des Whiskys
Columbanische Klosterregeln
Regula cuiusdam patris, Regula cuiusdam ad virgines, Regelfragment De accedendo
Orientierungspunkt Mensch
Der anthropologische Ansatz in der Theologie Karl Rahners
Müller, KathrinZisterzienser und Barock
Die Kirchen der Oberdeutschen Kongregation im Spannungsfeld von Ordensidentität und lokaler Tradition
Vogüé, Adalbert deHistoire littéraire du mouvement monastique dans l’Antiquité. Deuxième partie : Le monachisme grec
Vol. 3 : Du désert de Gaza à Constantinople
Vogüé, Adalbert deHistoire littéraire du mouvement monastique dans l’Antiquité. Deuxième partie : Le monachisme grec
Vol. 1 : De la vie de Pachôme aux écrits d’Evagre le Pontique (IV°–V° siècles)
Abschiede und Anfänge
Hertlein, SiegfriedNdanda Abbey, Part IV
The Abbey’s Life with the African Diocese 1973 – 2001
Cover-Download | In 1963, the Territorial Abbey of Ndanda handed over their former mission territory to the newly erected Mtwara diocese. The agreement between the missionary Benedictines and leadership of the diocese stated that “the missionary priests of the Congregation of St. Ottilien are prepared to co-operate with the African clergy in the ordinary and extraordinary pastoration under the authority of the Bishop. The Missionary brothers will also continue their services for the Diocese.” This forth volume of Ndanda’s widespread history describes the transition period which started under the Abbot Bishop Victor Haelg and continued under Abbot Siegfried Hertlein. |