Benoît et sa règle
Trianni (ed.), Paolo • Sawicki OSB (ed.), Bernard • Quartier OSB (ed.), Thomas • Jonveaux (ed.), IsabelleMonasticism and Economy: Rediscovering an Approach to Work and Poverty
Acts of the Fourth International Symposium, Rome, June 7-10, 2016
![]() Cover-Download | Recent decades, in the context of a global and highly developed economy, seem to come back to the monastic ethos of economy. The Rule of S. Benedict and the history of monasticism have proved to be an excellent inspiration for people in business. Many monasteries actively and creatively participate, not only in local economic projects – as important tourist and cultural centres – but also as important employers. Monastic gastronomy and, usually organic, food products have become a base for a special culture for a modern, sobre and frugal style of being and welfare. The sharing economy and collaborative consumption seem to be an amazing application of monastic style in the practices of modern Western society. In this sense monasticism is really contributing to an understanding of economy as an ecologically friendly form of human brotherhood. ![]() |
Spiegel des Klosterlebens für die Gegenwart
Trianni (ed.), Paolo • Sawicki OSB (ed.), Bernard • Quartier OSB (ed.), Thomas • Jonveaux (ed.), IsabelleMonasticism and Economy: Rediscovering an Approach to Work and Poverty
Acts of the Fourth International Symposium, Rome, June 7-10, 2016
![]() Cover-Download | Recent decades, in the context of a global and highly developed economy, seem to come back to the monastic ethos of economy. The Rule of S. Benedict and the history of monasticism have proved to be an excellent inspiration for people in business. Many monasteries actively and creatively participate, not only in local economic projects – as important tourist and cultural centres – but also as important employers. Monastic gastronomy and, usually organic, food products have become a base for a special culture for a modern, sobre and frugal style of being and welfare. The sharing economy and collaborative consumption seem to be an amazing application of monastic style in the practices of modern Western society. In this sense monasticism is really contributing to an understanding of economy as an ecologically friendly form of human brotherhood. ![]() |
Benedikt für jeden Tag
Ein Jahreskommentar zur Benediktusregel
![]() Cover-Download | „Diese Regel soll nach unserem Willen in der Gemeinschaft oft vorgelesen werden“ (RB 66,8). Entsprechend dieser Weisung der Benediktusregel wird in den Klöstern der benediktinischen Familien seit Jahrhunderten die Regel jährlich mehrmals verlesen und ihre Worte haben die monastische Tradition tief geprägt. Da der Regeltext einer vergangenen Epoche angehört, der Spätantike des 6. Jahrhunderts, sind viele Weisungen für heutige Leser auslegungsbedürftig. Das hier vorgelegte Jahreslesebuch verteilt die Regelabschnitte entsprechend der klösterlichen Leseordnung auf ein Jahr und kombiniert sie mit gut verständlichen Hinführungen. So kann der Leser die Fülle der darin enthaltenen Aussagen mit ihren Verweisen auf die biblische, monastische und patristische Tradition schrittweise für sich erschließen und die Weisheit der Regel neu entdecken. ![]() |