

Pfeifer (ed.), MichaelaNouzille (ed.), Philippe

Monasticism between Culture and Cultures

Acts of the Third International Symposium Rome, June 8-11, 2011

Monasticism between Culture and Cultures

What does culture mean? A chain of texts as in ancient oriental monasticism with its Hellenistic background or in medieval Montecassino where monks create new traditions? Does it signify the identity of a population like that of the Aboriginals which European monks and sisters helped to promote already in the nineteenth century? Is culture nowadays not becoming a new religion which plagues many European monasteries? These are only some of the many items treated at the third international Monastic Symposium «Monasticism between Culture and Cultures» held in Rome, June 8-11, 2011, at the Pontifical Athenaeum of Sant’Anselmo. This volume presents the proceedings of the symposium under eight headings: Oriental Monasticism – Western Monasticism – Regulae Benedicti Studia – New Monastic Communities – Non-Christian Monasticism – Monasticism and Art – Postmodernism and Various Solutions. Noteworthy is the fact that the forty authors are not only theologians, philosophers, historians and philologists, but also sociologists and artists. This shows that each period must once more probe what kind of „fuga mundi“ is the essence of monasticism.



Simón (ed.), Alfredo

Conoscenza ed affectus in Anselmo d'Aosta

Atti del simposio internazionale, Roma, 21–22 aprile 2009

Conoscenza ed affectus in Anselmo d'Aosta

In occasione del 900° anniversario della morte di S. Anselmo d’Aosta, la Facoltà di Filosofa del Pontificio Ateneo di S. Anselmo in Roma ha organizzato un simposio, nei giorni 21 e 22 aprile 2009, dal titolo “Conoscenza ed affectus in Anselmo d’Aosta”. L’obiettivo era indagare il rapporto tra desiderio e conoscenza nelle opere di Anselmo d’Aosta. Le diverse prospettive dei contributi mettono in evidenza soprattutto il versante antropologico della sua concezione di verità in chiave teologica e filosofica, ma anche mistica, psicologica e pedagogica. Le due dimensioni di affectus e pensiero sono state trattate sotto varie angolature centrate sul “desiderio”, l’esperienza, l’intellectus, la ratio, e la cogitatio, senza dimenticare approfondimenti sul contesto storico medievale e monastico.



Dennemarck, Bernd

Der Taufaufschub

Dogmatisch-kanonistische Grundlegung und rechtliche Ausgestaltung im Hoheitsgebiet der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz

Der Taufaufschub

Die Ansprache Johannes Pauls II vom 18. November 1999 anlässlich des Ad-Limina Besuches der deutschen Bischöfe zeigt, dass das Augenmerk des Papstes der pastoralen Praxis der Taufspendung in den deutschen Bistümern gilt. In vorliegender Arbeit wird das Anliegen des Papstes aus kanonistischer Sicht aufgegriffen und die kirchlichen Richtlinien hinsichtlich des Taufaufschubs dargestellt und interpretiert. Die Untersuchung bietet so eine Hilfestellung für die seelsorgliche Praxis.
