Missionswissenschaft und Interreligiöser Dialog
Hou, WenhuiDie Begegnung des Christentums mit China
Probleme der Inkulturation
Collaborative Mission in South Sudan
Towards a New Paradigm
Spiritualität vs. Religion
Eine interreligiöse Beziehungsanalyse
Collaborative Mission in South Sudan (ebook)
Towards a New Paradigm
A Visionary Approach
Lynn A. de Silva und the Prospects for Buddhist-Christian Encounter
„Wir sind Weiße und wollen Weiße bleiben“
Rassismus in Deutsch-Südwestafrika
Unterwegs zwischen Ländern, Kulturen und Religionen
Wir erleben mehr, als wir begreifen
Studien zur Bedeutung und Interpretation des mystischen Weges der Leere und Fülle in fünf religiösen Traditionen
The relation between reason and revelation according to Averroes and Thomas Aquinas
Cover-Download | The harmonisation of reason and faith was for Averroes the main scientific challenge whereby Aristotle served him as a key philosophical point of reference. Whilst Averreos followed Aristotle to a large extent, Thomas Aquinas attempts to make use of Aristotle‘s work in a different manner for his own philosophical-theological model whilst still referring to Averroes. For the two philosophers reason and revelation attain a singular synthesis which is, however, not completely tension-free. In this study Averroes is praised as a congenial thinker of scholarly topics. Thomas‘ handling of islamic-arabic philosophy proves to be an example worthy of attention of intercultural philosophical discourse which can serve contemporary Western-world philosophy projects as a valuable point of reference. |